Zinda Pak

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    Read And Think


    Mensajes : 678
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-09-23

    Read And Think Empty Read And Think

    Post  ---Rose--- Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:52 am

    Read And Think

    I woke up suddenly one
    > night
    > and saw a
    > strange light in
    > my room ....
    > The problem is that the
    > lights are off
    > I saw the clock, it was 3.30
    > in the morning
    > Okay...so where is all this
    > light coming
    > from??
    > ----------
    > I turned around
    > and saw something
    > very
    > strange..
    > My body was half
    > way through the wall (??!)
    > I immediately
    > pulled it out and sat down to
    > see if i'm
    > okay
    > .....
    > This is
    > strange...
    > I tried to push onto the wall,
    > ...
    > I heard a
    > sound
    > I turned to my brother's bed to see
    > him sleeping
    > I was really scared of what
    > was happening to me...so I
    > tried to wake him
    > up....but....he doesn't reply!!
    > I went to !
    > my parent's bedroom..I
    > tried to wake up my
    > mother...and father...I just
    > wanted somebody to
    > react to me...
    > but nobody did.
    > I
    > tried to wake my mother up
    > again...she woke up
    > this time...
    > -----
    > she got up
    > ... but didn't
    > communicate to me
    > She was
    > saying "In the name of
    > Allah, most Merciful, most
    > Gracious" (بسم
    > الله الرحمن الرحيم) again and
    > again...
    > She woke my dad up saying 'get up,
    > man, I want to check up on
    > the kids.'
    > My
    > dad replied in disinterest ..
    > 'it's not time for
    > this, let me sleep and
    > inshAllah tomorrow i'll get
    > to that'
    > But she was insisting..so he woke
    > up.
    > I was THERE. I was screaming..'dad',
    > 'mum' ... nobody was
    > replying
    > I held
    > mother's clothes to grab
    > her attention..but she
    > didn't
    > recognise my existence
    > I
    > followed her 'till she
    > got to my
    > bedroom
    > They got into the room and turned
    > on the lights...
    > it wasn't making any differe!
    > nce to me anyway because
    > there was a strong light
    > there.
    > I then saw the strangest thing in my
    > life...
    > my OWN
    > BODY....on my bed.
    > I
    > was trembling...how can there
    > be two of me??...how
    > can that person look so much
    > like me??...and what
    > is he doing on my bed?
    > I started
    > hitting/slapping myself to
    > wake up from this
    > nightmare...
    > but it was too real to
    > be a nightmare.
    > dad said 'Yalla, see the
    > kids are sleeping. Let's
    > go back to
    > bed.'
    > but mother wasn't at all
    > confident...she went to the
    > person sleeping in my
    > bed and said
    > 'Khalid, wake up!! ... WAKE
    > UP!!'
    > but he wouldn't reply.
    > She
    > tried again and again....but
    > no reply.
    > Then
    > i turned to see my dad
    > tearing...
    > Today witnesses the
    > first time in my life that I
    > have seen my dad's
    > tears.
    > The place was shaking with the
    > screaming
    > ... My brother woke up..."What's
    > going on??!"
    > In a very sad tone! , with
    > tears rolling down her cheek,
    > mother replied 'your
    > brother's dead! Khalid is
    > DEAD!!'
    > ------
    > I
    > went to mother and said
    > 'please mum...don't
    > cry..I'm right here look at
    > me!'
    > But nobody's replying to
    > me..WHY??
    > I turned to
    > Allah and asked Him to wake
    > me up from the
    > nightmare!
    > quickly following my dua was a
    > voice saying (Quran):
    > " You were in
    > negligence from
    > this, so We uncovered the
    > blinds and today your
    > sight is (like iron)
    > "
    > لقد كنت في غفلة من هذا فكشفنا عنك
    > غطاءك فبصرك اليوم حديد
    > Suddenly two
    > creatures held my arm..they
    > weren't
    > human!!
    > "Leave me ALONE!
    > Who are you and what do you
    > want from
    > me??"
    > 'We're your grave's guards'
    > I
    > said 'but I'm not
    > dead yet! let go of
    > me!!'
    > I can still see, hear, touch, and
    > speak..I'm not dead!
    > They replied wit! h a
    > smile : "You humans are
    > fascina t ing! You think
    > that by dying your life ends,
    > while in fact life
    > on Earth is a small dream compared to the Here after;
    > a dream that ends
    > at your
    > death."
    > They started
    > pulling me towards my
    > grave...
    > On the way I
    > saw people just like me, each
    > had two guards like
    > mine.
    > Some were smiling, others crying,
    > others screaming.
    > I asked the guards 'why
    > are they all doing
    > that?'
    > They replied
    > 'These people now know
    > their fate...some were in
    > ignorance so they--'
    > '--so they go
    > to
    > Hell??!' I
    > interrupted
    > They said 'yes.'
    > and
    > continued..
    > 'and those laughing are going
    > to Heaven'
    > I quickly replied: 'What about
    > me..where will I go??'
    > They said 'you were
    > at times a good Muslim, while
    > other times not. One
    > day you obey Allah, the next
    > you disobey Him. And
    > you weren't clear with
    > yourself and your fate will
    > remain so: lost.'
    > I replied, shaking:
    > 'SO! AM I GOING TO
    > HELL??'
    > They s a id: '
    > Allah's mercy is great,
    > and the journey is long
    > '
    > I turned to see my family carrying my
    > dead body in a coffin..so i
    > ran to them
    > ..
    > I said: 'make dua for me'
    > but
    > nobody replied..
    > I went to my brother and
    > warned him .. 'be careful
    > with what you do in this
    > life... don't be a
    > fool like myself!'
    > I was
    > really hoping that he could
    > hear
    > me...
    > The two angels (guards) tied
    > up my soul on top of my body
    > ..
    > I saw
    > my relatives pouring sand
    > over me
    > ..
    > ----
    > at that moment I was
    > hoping that I would be in
    > their
    > place...
    > that I can turn to Allah and do as
    > much as He wants from me...
    > that I would ask
    > for forgiveness and once and
    > for all repent my
    > sins that angered Him...
    > but
    > unfortunately I couldn't.
    > I shouted '
    > People, don't let this
    > life tempt you! Wake up to
    > the truth... one day you
    > will! DIE, and you never
    > know when..or how. '
    > I hoped for somebody
    > to hear me....nobody there
    > did
    > but YOU
    > heard me....
    > save yourself.
    > Smile
    > to others, forgive them when
    > you have the power to
    > punish them. Allah forgives
    > those that forgive
    > others. Do your prayers
    > regularly with an open
    > heart. Let Allah guide your
    > life, not Satan. Read
    > the Quran regularly and let
    > the Prophet (p.b.u.h)
    > be your role model in life.
    > Work in this
    > timed life for your salvation
    > in an eternal
    > one.
    > And ... make dua for me because
    > I'm not perfect. And I
    > point the above to myself just as
    > much as I do to my
    > friends.
    > Please spread this
    > message to as many people as
    > possible, for every
    > person whose heart it touches
    > Allah will reward
    > you in this life and the
    > hereafter.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:47 am