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    English Poetry..


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:20 am


    A Gift Of Love

    My gift to you is my love
    Given from deep within my heart
    It is the best I have to offer
    And its yours until this earth we depart

    You have captured a part of me
    A part so very fragile that I am in fear
    For it is my heart I have lost
    To you my love, the one I hold most dear

    I chose to love you now
    With all that I have and all that I am
    And I pray that God follows us
    To guide our steps as we cross this land

    For it is with His blessings
    We will live most at peace with each other
    For He is the reason after all
    We found one another ........ I Love You!


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:10 am

    A stranger you were once.
    Then, with a gentle look you took my hand.
    As our lives engaged,
    you lit my life and I held both your hands.
    Now that decades have passed,
    ours souls have indeed become one.
    How fortunate we are
    that we have found the love so true
    that everyone dreams about.

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:24 am

    Too True, Too Often

    Too often we don't realize
    What we have until it is gone
    Too often we wait too late to say
    "I'm sorry - I was wrong."

    Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
    We hold dearest to our hearts
    And we allow foolish things
    To tear our lives apart.

    Far too many times we let
    Unimportant things into our minds
    And then it's usually too late
    To see what made us blind.

    So be sure that you let people know
    How much they mean to you
    Take that time to say the words
    Before your time is through.

    Be sure that you appreciate
    Everything you've got
    And be thankful for the little things
    in life that mean a lot.

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:13 am

    There is a vigour
    in a tree
    in its trunk.
    There is victory
    in the leaves,
    in the air.
    Hearts and hands
    of passion
    would make grow,
    as this.
    A sea would follow
    in its waves
    and beach
    and shore.
    One would be wise
    to follow
    in this way
    living and breathing,
    the delicate.

    Last edited by Fallen on Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:14 am

    I Thought We Would Last

    I think back on you,
    I don't know what went wrong.
    We had been best friends,
    Oh so long.

    But in some way you changed,
    You weren't the person I knew.
    This wasn't my best friend,
    But there was nothing I could do.

    I had to leave you,
    You didn't treat me right.
    It seemed like every single day,
    We were always in a fight.

    You would call me names,
    That made me hurt.
    You treated me like,
    I was nothing but dirt.

    You always blamed me,
    For everything that went wrong.
    Everything was automatically my fault,
    This happened for too long.

    You always got mad,
    No reason at all.
    It felt like you were never there,
    You wouldn't catch me at my fall.

    You treated me like this,
    And you expected me to come back.
    Some true friend skills,
    Is something you have to lack.

    You had your chance,
    I gave you so many tries.
    But you still hurt me,
    And put those tears in my eyes.

    So now I'll say,
    It's over once and for all.
    You can go find somebody else,
    To be your little puppet doll.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:19 am

    Love Without Trust

    It seems no matter where you are in a relationship it's always lacking trust, and like a key opens a door, trust is what opens a heart.

    Without trust you begin to worry day and night somehow gaining insecurities within yourself that makes you question the love you two share.

    You start to feel unworthy, you have so much to say, will there ever be trust or just that constant pain, because of those feelings there's an emptiness in your heart.
    you feel it's easiest to just move on, but you wonder if you'll ever find a love so strong, so just take his hand, put your trust in him, because love without trust isn't love at all.....


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:52 am

    The Web

    You worked your art
    You spun a web
    Around my heart
    How beautifully
    Your deeds have spread
    Each intricately
    Woven thread
    With strands of care
    You dried my tears
    Your gentleness
    Dispelled my fears
    Your wisdom
    Helped me understand
    And patiently
    You held my hand
    To give me courage
    To brave the storm
    With kindness
    You have kept me warm
    Your passion
    Lit a glowing fire
    That filled my soul
    With sweet desire
    You're all
    That I was dreaming of
    For the web you spun
    Was made of love

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:59 am


    Believe in your heart that
    something wonderful is about to happen.

    Love your life.
    Believe in your own powers,
    and your own potential,
    and in your own innate goodness.

    Wake every morning
    with the awe of just being alive.

    Discover each day the magnificent,
    awesome beauty in the world.

    Explore and embrace life in yourself
    and in everyone you see each day.

    Reach within to find your own specialness.

    Amaze yourself and rouse those around you
    to the potential of each new day.

    Don't be afraid to admit
    that you are less than perfect;
    this is the essence of your humanity.

    Let those who love you help you.

    Trust enough to be able to take.

    Look with hope to the horizon of today,
    for today is all we truly have.

    Live this day well.
    Let a little sun out as well as in.

    Create your own rainbows.

    Be open to all your possibilities;
    all possibilities and Miracles.

    Always believe in Miracles.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:24 am

    Day by day

    Night by night
    Kiss by kiss
    Touch by touch
    Step by step
    I fall in love
    A love so incomprehensible
    So vivid
    So unique
    So wild, that not even the reign of God could control
    A passion so deep
    A need so necessary
    A want so strong
    The universe would not handle
    I love you today
    I’ll love you tomorrow
    I’ll love you forever

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:19 am

    I will be there.......

    If one day you feel like crying...
    Call me.
    I don't promise that I will make you laugh,
    But I can cry with you

    If one day you want to run away--
    Don't be afraid to call me.
    I don't promise to ask you to stop...
    But I can run with you

    If one day you don't want to listen
    to anyone...
    Call me.
    I promise to be there for you.
    And I promise to be very quiet.

    But if one day you call...
    And there is no answer...
    Come fast to see me.
    Perhaps I need you.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:23 am

    There Will Never Be

    There will never be another chance
    For us to have this splendid dance
    Held in hypnotic trance
    You left at first glance

    There will never be another me
    Only to a certain degree
    Maybe youll see
    After the words fall as debris

    There will never be another you
    Intoxicating, through and through
    Not even within the deja vous
    Your as fresh as the morning dew

    Poetically justified, thus
    There will never be another us
    Love tends to screw
    There will never be another you
    You hold the key
    There will never be another me
    Im trapped in another trance
    There will never be another chance


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:35 am

    Perfection in my Eyes

    All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
    And for us to be together, to never be apart.

    No one else in the world can even compare,
    You're perfect and so is this love that we share.

    We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
    I love you more than I ever thought I could.

    I promise to give you all I have to give,
    I'll do anything for you as long as I live.

    In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
    By the way you look at me I know we will last.

    I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
    How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:36 am

    The Caring Heart

    A reminder from the one who cares
    Designed to bring to mind

    Carved in a face of a penny

    So it will always be easy to find.

    Meant to carry in your pocket

    Or purse with your coin or keys

    Providing ceaseless confirmation

    That you are beloved in many ways.

    Keep this token as a symbol

    From one who thinks you dear

    Reminding you of closeness

    When noone else is near.

    This little heart isn't magic

    Nor does it make dreams come true

    But it wishes for your well being

    And prays foor contentment too.

    If you ever feel sad or lonely

    Just touch its face and know

    Another's thoughts are with you

    Wherever you may go.

    When someone sees this tiny heart

    May they know that you are loved

    A special way by a special friend

    As sincerely as Heaven above.

    So carry this to remember

    The promise it is ment to impact

    From one who wants to enfold you

    With the love from a Careing Heart.

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:39 am

    I Will Love You Forever

    I love you so deeply,
    I love you so much,
    I love the sound of your voice
    And the way that we touch.
    I love your warm smile
    And your kind, thoughtful way,
    The joy that you bring
    To my life every day.
    I love you today
    As I have from the start,
    And I'll love you forever
    With all of my heart.

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Sat Aug 29, 2009 2:40 am

    Forever Loving you

    When you look up,
    into the star filled sky,
    any day I'd surrender
    for you I would die.

    I promise with the moon
    and the stars way above,
    I'll dream of you forever,
    to only you I send my love.

    I'll lay with you forever,
    until the sun should burn out-
    I want to lie forever,
    please never have a doubt.

    I make this promise,
    and it's intended to keep,
    until earth's day
    without any peak

    I'll be yours,
    till the end of life.
    I've always dreamed
    I'd be your wife.

    But life will end
    the sun will die
    the stars will stop
    I'll get up from where we lye..

    Love CAN be forever,
    and this time it is, and true
    because now until forever,
    I'll swear that I love you.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:05 am

    A Dream Come True

    Feelings that once were hidden
    Are now expressed to you.
    Days that once were stormy
    Are now the brightest blue.

    Times that once were lonely
    Are now filled with pleasure.
    All that once was mine alone
    Are now things we both treasure.

    Nights that once were cold
    Are now comforting and warm.
    Fears that once were very real
    Are now gone with the storm.

    A heart that once was broken
    Can now finally mend.
    A person once alone in life
    Can now call you a friend.

    Dreams that once were longed for
    Are now all coming true.
    The love I once thought was gone
    I have now and forever in you.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:32 am

    You are my air

    The sun in my day
    The moon in my night
    The spring in my step
    You are my everything.

    You are the stars in the sky
    The birds in the trees
    The shimmer, the sparkle, the shine.

    Without the light you put into my life
    I would be nothing
    A single leaf on the ground in autumn,
    Lost, forgotten, alone.

    Before i knew you,
    I was nothing.
    Now I am everything,
    With you at my side,
    I am invincible!

    Feel the same my baby,
    You are loved so much,
    I love you now and forever
    You are my darling, my baby, my love
    You are my everything
    I love you so much.

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:45 am

    Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly,
    kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably,
    and never regret anything that made you smile.

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:43 am

    I will never forget you

    Each time they say your name
    A tear forms in my eye
    How can I be happy
    If all I seem to do is cry?

    you wern't supposed to leave me
    This has to be a dream
    I cant accept your absence
    And take goodbye for what it means

    You left me lost and broken
    I still can't find my way
    Months have passed real slowly
    But it's harder every day.

    I thought you were forever
    You talked like you would stay
    Every time I love someone
    They get taken away

    None of this should have happened
    Your place is next to mine
    I am not going to listen
    The hurt won't ease in time

    I will never forget you
    Though we are far apart
    I miss you so much Ryan
    And love you with all my heart

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:19 am


    There's nothing as nice as someone who shares,
    your laughter, your secrets, your wishes and cares,
    someone who's there through your good times and tears,
    who stays by your side as your friend through the years.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:15 am

    A Perfect Moment

    Beautiful eyes open across a pillow top,
    It seems for this moment time will stop,
    The earth slows and sounds wane,
    A frozen moment without stain.

    Your body close to mine,
    Our hearts beat in time,
    With a smile of simple pleasure,
    This moment should last forever.

    Some say perfection is unattainable
    For most things that's explainable,
    But in your arms and with your heart's affection
    I have found a brief moment of perfection.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:53 am

    I thought love was just a mirage of the mind,
    it's an illusion, it's fake, impossible to find.
    But the day I met you, I began to see,
    that love is real, and exists in me.

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:28 am

    Thinking of you

    I woke up this morning thinking of you
    And i wondered if you were thinking of me to...

    I sat up and thought about our last goodbye
    and all i could do was sit there and cry

    It's hard to let you go when i know what we could be
    I just have to wait until the day that you will finally see

    Maybe someday you'll realize how much i care for you
    and maybe you'll realize that you care for me to

    But until we meet what could be fate,
    i'll just sit here thinking of you and wait

    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:26 am


    If I could catch a rainbow
    I would do it just for you.
    And share with you it's beauty
    On the days you're feeling blue.
    If I could build a mountain
    You could call your very own.
    A place to find serenity
    A place to be alone.
    If I could take your troubles
    I would toss them in the sea.
    But all these things I'm finding
    are impossible for me,
    I cannot build a mountain
    Or catch a rainbow fair
    But let me be...what I know best,
    a friend that's always there.


    Mensajes : 5998
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-14
    Edad : 40
    Localización : New Zealand

    English Poetry.. - Page 3 Empty Re: English Poetry..

    Post  Fallen Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:01 am

    The Miracle Of Friendship

    There is a miracle called Friendship
    that dwells within the heart
    and you don't know how it happens
    or when it even starts.

    But the happiness it brings you
    always gives a special lift
    and you realize that Friendship
    is God's most precious gift.

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